With only 60 days until our target departure date to Hungary, Jenn and I have pressed into the heart of God in prayer and, we have been filled with an ever-increasing God-given confidence that we will soon be in Hungary. Jenn and I know we were uniquely created for such a time as this!
I am a TCK
I am well suited for the task of ministering to third–culture kids (TCKs) because I am a TCK. I lived in Latin America during my junior-high and early high-school years. The experience molded me in both positive and negative ways.
The Good
Positively, I made life-long friends while I was overseas. My kids call one such friend Uncle, and I am proud to call him brother. I also see the world differently than most people who have never lived the TCK life. When I hear of events taking place, I am able to see many facets of the issue because I know how to empathize with people on every side. I can differentiate between that which is simply different and that which is truly a matter of right and wrong.
The Bad
Negatively, I, as a natural introvert, learned to isolate myself rather than face the emotional pain of saying goodbye. I learned goodbyes were not as painful if I did not get as attached. This also led to an increased difficulty in expressing my emotions...at all! Thankfully, I have learned – and am still learning – how to overcome these negatives through the power of Christ so only the positives remain.
The Redeemed
My experiences as a TCK uniquely prepare me to minister to these students. I understand first-hand the joys and challenges of living the TCK life because of my experiences. With over 20 different nationalities represented at ICSB, I will be able to use my cross-cultural skills to effectively communicate with the diverse student population. These skills will make me a more effective mentor and teacher.
A Passion for Teens
Jenn and I have been called to minister to TCKs. We have such a passion for reaching the next generation for Christ that our family mission statement and the missionaries we personally support financially have to do with reaching the upcoming generation for Christ. We also have extensive experience mentoring and discipling youth through campus ministries, Bible camps, and youth groups.
I Love Curriculum Design!
The delays Jenn and I faced in going to Hungary have allowed me to gain valuable experience as a teacher at a local community college. My confidence as a teacher has increased, working with a variety of students. My skill as a teacher has also increased teaching science-based content and developing hands-on activities that social-studies teachers typically do not have the opportunity to teach. Lastly, redeveloping the curriculum for three courses, has shown me I love curriculum development. I also discovered I am good at it, having been evaluated by the National Science Foundation!
A Point of Urgency
Jenn and I have reached a point of urgency! My experience at the college has uniquely prepared me to serve at ICSB this fall. The school will be reviewing their entire K-12 social-studies curriculum, and I love doing this work! I am good at this work. I need to be there in the fall to help the school complete this work.
For Such a Time as This!
Jenn and I have intensified our praying about Hungary over the past several months. The more we pray, the more certain we become that the time is now. We are confident we need to make it to Hungary this summer so we are there in time for the K-12 social-studies curriculum review.
A Call to Action
The only thing preventing us from going to Hungary this summer is money. We are currently just shy of 70% funded. We know God has called some of you to partner in ministry to TCKs. Please prayerfully consider financially partnering with us in this important work. The time to act is now. We cannot move forward without you!
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